New Beginnings!

New Beginnings!
"Well hello there!"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trials, Courage under fire

                               TRIALS~ COURAGE UNDER FIRE! 

                      “Fall down seven times, get up eight.”
                                     Japanese Proverb

I wasn’t going to write a Blog this week, as it hasn’t been a very good one. I TRIED to write one a few times, but it just wasn’t meshing and I REALLY wanted to throw in the towel…but alas what kind of example to my kids or mankind would I be?????

So when I finally sat to write again I changed direction and decided to write on the above topic…See above if yha forgot! :P

If anyone knows Struggle, hardship, heartbreak, defeat, discouragement, and all the other Alphabetical words that are negative it’s me!! So along with those countless others out there I can relate. The GOAL in these situations is to get through them with your head still held up…NOT an easy thing to do!!! Also the REWARD…yes I said reward! Hard to believe that through all the hardships, pain and struggles you can take something away from it. Actually you take a wack load away.
 STRENGTH- to make it through the next trial.
 COURAGE- that you know you made it through the trial, and can do it again if you have too (which you likely will because let’s face it trials are a part of life)
RESILANCE – So the next trial may not seem so GIGATANORMUS!!! (No spell check came up for that word so I am going with it) 
KNOWLEDGE- To be able to fight that trial with ease the next time around (fingers crossed it won't come around again)
APATHY- To be able to relate and help another person (friend, family, stranger) going through a similar situation. 
Just to name a few.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
Dale Carnegie

Not all trials are big some are small hiccups. Sometimes the hiccups might seem less so to one person but like an all out acid reflux to another person. We all have different levels of what we can handle and can’t. It doesn’t make one person better than the other; it just proves that everyone is DIFFERENT.

Anyway before I lose my audience with a long boring speech I just wanted to encourage you to hang on. To grasp any tiny little smallnourmus bit of hope you have left in you and fight through it. If I can (and at this point in my life, which has maybe been one of the worst points I’ve EVER been at.. EVER!!!!!! ) Then you can as well. If you have no one to talk to about it I’m here…whether you know me or not, a lending ear is sometimes all it takes to get through it. I have a big heart, an open ear, and like really, really, REALLY broad shoulders! 

Any comments or ways you deal with hardships that you would like to share are ALWAYS welcome! Let’s help each other cope in society! (Had to throw a little bit of female dramatics) ;p  But I do mean it. I’m here! But be warned….. I AM NOT AN ENABLER!!! I WILL NOT coddle you and tell you what you need to hear because you may cry or not like what I have to say. I will let you vent. Then work with you on ways to get through it and hold your head up again. It’s what we all NEED!I hope this can encourage you in some way.

Till Next time

 “If you are going through hell, keep going. ~  ”Winston Churchill


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