New Beginnings!

New Beginnings!
"Well hello there!"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Insecure about Insecurity

So here I am writing my first interactive Blog! YAAAA MEEE!!!! *Yup shouted it out loud! *  I get that not ALL my blogs will hold everyone’s interests and that's cool, I don't like all your crap either! :P  But I hope one day one of my blogs will appeal to you and I can get your feedback, comments, suggestions etc. Some will be serious, some just silly and so on. Variety is the spice of life right? Or was that Frank's Red Hot.......?????

Insecure about insecurity

I am an insecure woman in many ways, some minor.... some major. So let's just hash it out and become partners on the road to recovery.  Let’s face it; with today’s media it’s hard to be a woman and EVEN a man. Nothing is left to the imagination anymore; it’s just all in your face, hanging out and desirable. It’s hard to feel normal with all that…but it is possible!!! One of the greatest challenges in life is being comfortable in our own skin.   Insecurity is human nature; we all have it to an extent.... MEN and WOMEN! There are people who say, "They aren't insecure" but are just trying to hide it or don't care to admit it as doing so would admit weakness or failure. Maybe you just want to ignore it, hope it would go away, or pretend it doesn't exist? Who knows what makes you deny it?  And then there are us who freely admit, hate and want to change it. And then the sad few who use it to manipulate people and situations! Tisk tisk to you I say!!  And there truly are some who are not insecure and have worked hard at defeating whatever it was that held back so they could live a better quality of life. It’s a known fact that secure people are happier, successful and fulfilled. Now don’t mistake those emotions and say “Well I am all those, or So and So must be secure”, because a lot of people over compensate and “pretend” they are secure so they don’t have to change anything because THEY are ok with who they are and their actions and lie to themselves and others by not WANTING to fix their insecurities. They just won’t admit it.
There are multiple forms of insecurity... Bitchiness, over compensating, baby talk, overeating, lying, cheating.... to name a few.  To name one you might not have thought of as insecurity:

Competition. It's like coveting another persons Corvette or Boob Job so you go out and get both just because! ...Not really that but I feared I'd lost a few readers along the way.... So... back to it.  Competition is when another male/female sees' something you've done and wants to do it better because they are jealous of you in some way and want to upstage you. Most of the time it just makes them look like an ass, but sometimes they pull it off...It frustrates ME to no end and it shouldn't! Like why do I care that you really get no real satisfaction out of it and are still left feeling empty??? But gosh-darn-it!!!! I DO care!!! I get bothered by it, it effects me, I wanna slap the "individual" who try's to upstage my moment that I worked hard for, or my comment on facebook that I thought was witty and the up-stager took my thunder in some form! There are a number of things in this area that can be considered competition. As I said already …. Upstaging, belittling, point out of flaws etc….

How do you deal with this type of insecurity? Do you deal with it head on and confront them? Ignore it and buy a voodoo doll? Talk about them behind their back?  Or just say "Meh! Go for it be my sloppy seconds"!?  You don't have to tell me what you'd do if you don't want...You can lie about it and tell me what you think everyone wants to hear. Or you can be brutally honest. Or just talk about how you deal or not deal with YOUR insecurities. I even want to hear how YOU think someone should deal with it wither it's how you deal with it or not.  I can give great advice to someone sometimes knowing I don't follow that advice myself… BUT "Do as I say, not as I do" ... Besides why would you want to do my insecurities???? ; p

So as I said let's chit chat about this obese beast called insecurity, see if we can come up with a cure! I mean if you want to that is, cause I really do!!!!  I’ll add some input along the way as well, some tips and tricks. But I’m not the only one with answerers we all are and expressing ourselves is a great way to get solutions we didn’t know we had!

1. Not sure or certain, doubtful: unemployed and facing an insecure future.
2. Inadequately guarded or protected, unsafe: A shortage of military police made the air base insecure.
3. Not firm or fixed; unsteady: an insecure foothold.
a. Lacking stability, troubled: an insecure relationship.
b. Lacking self-confidence, plagued by anxiety: had always felt insecure at parties.

If Someone has something bad to say about you, it’s probably because they have nothing to say that’s good about themselves.