New Beginnings!

New Beginnings!
"Well hello there!"

Saturday, December 22, 2012

~The End Of The World Walk~



So I went for a walk today to clear my head and of course had to take my camera with me! All was quiet, cold and a little desolate. So of course with the whole Mayan Apocalypse I got to thinking.....What would the world look like if it had ended??? So I decided to do a picture blog of my wonderment! 
Come on my journey to the end of the world with me............

As I was walking I noticed things that made me think....."Oh my has destruction taken place?"

Maybe a house exploded???
And bits and pieces ended up washed ashore.....

Where is the child this shoe belongs too?........

 Would a mother no longer take up her rolling pin and bake cookies for her children?

Would the remaining of us be washed away by the water?

And then the sky's opened up! And I had hope again!

I began to see the beauty of nature I had sought at the beginning of my walk.

I opened my eyes and started to enjoy the journey and not just focus on the destination.

It was then that my mind began to clear and I was feeling more at ease with the day. 

Before I knew it I became lost in the world of winters nature. I was in awe of the beauty around me that seemed to be thriving in winters cold harshness.

 I loved how the water embraces the leafs. 

 The wild Strawberries still show beauty even after their fruit is gone.
Nature is wondrous!
 The cold wind blew this puddle in the night and froze it's ripples so as it stands still in time!

I have a saying "Love follows me" This saying comes from the fact that I see hearts in everyday objects and in nature on my walks.

 However today....even though I saw love all around me in nature, I didn't feel very loved........Until I turned around and saw that love was actually following me!

I turned around about an hour into my walk and there was my youngest son.....Love....Following me!
 I am a VERY lucky mom!

And so I concluded my walk with a wonderful companion and knew that even if the world were to end I would always have lived by enjoying the journey and not just the destination!

Happy Non-Apocalypse! 


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