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Haters be hating! |
I was going to start this blog like a mth ago when I made the decision to lose some poundage I had eaten that refused to exit my body. I thought If I wrote a blog about my journey I would hold myself accountable. But I forgot to remind myself to hold myself accountable.
I have been struggling through the whole process of losing extra weight that I truly never asked for but am way to nice to say no to, and also get more fit so when I get off the potty I am not so out of breath! :P But I also wanted to change my eating habits so I don't look old before my time. I want to be like the McLeod's and be fit and have fun, so in order to do that I had to give my body a break....
Anywho......I began my journey hitting a brick wall for multiple reasons.....#1. Stomach flu..oh yeah!!!! One would think with all the exorcism vomit and anal seapage I would have lost some inside waste......however....the kids got it not me. Talk about ass backwards there. So my time was spent mothering and Lysoling and a little bit of exhaustion. #2. I had to begin by taking pictures of my eh??? NO!!!! Oh man I cried like a heart broken teenager who missed the NKOTB concert! #3. I had SO much research to do, I have always just eaten. I pick a recipe, make it, go out to eat, order it, got the munchies, gorge on it. So I was more than overwhelmed, I was discouraged. I don't have anyone I know who I can ask about eating properly or to meet me for a run ( until last week.... Nikki!) So needless to say I have and am still absorbing information ( but not ingesting it ) I have a half plan in place and am working my way to a full one.
I stepped on the scale today ( she is a judgemental bitch let me tell you!!! ) And saw my weight, hung my head and walked away. I Msg'd a friend to whine and when I said I have only lost 5 pounds in a month. They said "See you HAVE lost weight" I was like "Damn straight I have!!" And thanked my friend. Funny how it takes a "see" for you to realized the passing of gas in public while grunting on the machine is worth it!
So thanks for bearing with me during my 1st entry, if you want to send words of encouragement and stroke my ego....I NEED them and will accept them gladly. Any tips....send em my way, unless it's "Eat Chocolate" cause I will! I will try my damnedest to constantly journal so if you don't hear from me send me a nudge to get on it..... if at all you care. I want to be an encouragement to any one I can be as well so let me know you need me and dis beotch be der!!!!!! ( I have teenagers).
Tara's Tip number #1 ...... Cut out all sugars if you can, they are a huge violator of the innards. If you MUST have it go for Raw and only in the am so you have the day ( cause it be taking you that long) to burn the fatty, sweet, yummy, sexy goodness off! ( maltose, glucose, dextrose, fructose, sucrose, molasses and even honey) Bad, bad, bad! ( including breads....stick to Brown Rye, or get the 'wheat belly book")
Tip # 2 Think of your daily eating as an upside down pyramid, breakfast = biggest meal, lunch = smaller and dinner = smallest. Your metabolism slows down at the end of the day so don't eat a big dinner ( little to no carbs @ dinner. Fist sized meat, and lots of veggies. ( Two healthy snacks in between meals)
More tips to come :)