from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness.
1. Honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.
2. A source of credit
or distinction: to be an honor to one's family.
3. High respect, as
for worth, merit, or rank: to be held in honor.
4. High public esteem; fame; glory: He
has earned his position of honor.
Sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his
or her own feelings, thoughts, and desires.
1. Not genuine; fake
2. An insincere or
pretentious person
3. Something that is not
genuine; a fake
“Your not alone I’m
here for yha.”; “Just call I’ll be there”; “whatever you need, just let me
know!” ……. And so forth. Ever had people tell you your not alone, that they are
there for you…yet when you need them or are in a bind they are nowhere to be
seen, or they are unavailable????? I have…we all have at one point or another.
What about…. “You
look so nice”; “you’re doing just fine”; “don’t worry, you won’t look silly”…
Yet the ZIT that “looks fine” yet is oozing puss and people can't stop looking @ it, or the report you just wrote for your boss
that “sounds great”... to the way your dancing @ the club “not looking silly”....
People telling you things that set you up to look bad. Ever been there done
that…got the “L” shaped finger to the forehead? (Or whatever the cool kids go
for now.)
Those are just some
mild examples, as sincerity is also as explained above.... an extension of honesty.
One thing I
personally can’t stand is a phony. Don’t tell people things just to make you
feel better or make yourself look good! It’s an ugly trait and we have enough
of it in society! Mean what you say and say what you mean. Don’t just fill the
atmosphere with shallow words and bad breath. :)
Harsh??? Yes! But someone
had to say it! And since I have nothing to lose in the insincerity
department…it had to be me.
A Question I have
is…. WHY??? Why do we feel the
need to say things we know we really don’t mean???? Or tell people we have no
intention of following through on?
Is it to make ourselves feel better? So we can sleep at night? ...Habit????
I say “WE” because I don’t point fingers, however, I really make every effort
possible to mean what I say and be sincere! No I am not a saint or putting
myself on a pedestal, we all mess up and make mistakes… But I love the people I
love, like the people I like, and hate the people I hate. So much so I feel
the need to be sincere with them all. If I can’t I don’t say I will. If I say I
will I make every effort to do…don’t get me wrong…. things come up and we can’t
always keep our word. I’m talking about the ones who ALWAYS say they will and
NEVER do. OR suggest this and that just to what??? Hear themselves speak…STOP
IT!!!!! Your going to end up with shallow friendships and crappy relationships
because people won’t trust you and the decent peeps won’t put up with it! Sure
it seems that these people who are less than….let’s say “desirable” get ahead
in life by being as such, but they are usually jerks, bitchy, untrustworthy and
always searching…"If one wants to be
respected then one has to show that they have respect for themselves
and their respect for themselves is always true blue and can't be
swayed, always maintained. It takes constant maintaining to earn and
keep one's respect and a simple moment to lose that respect and once gone is how people will always be remembered no matter what phoney smiles and
people around them show them. People think different and certainly talk
different behind a disrespected person's back. Their smiles and words
towards them are cheerful but phony, but their ears and disrespected
thoughts towards them are true and their true feelings about them are
always shared with others."
Do I mean you go
around telling people “Your not really that cool”, “you look funny when you
talk” You hair is frizzy” “yes you look fat in that” “Don’t ever ask me for
help because I may not be able too all the time”?? I mean…. Don’t say, “You know I’m here for yha, what do you
need?” and then never follow through. “Sure I’ll help you with ‘such and such’”
and then not show. Tell someone they did something good, when indeed it was
VERY wrong and could get them a tongue lashing from the boss, or worse
yet….lose their job…Just because it doesn’t matter to you doesn’t mean it
doesn’t mean the world to that other person.
Look, all I ask is
that you think before you speak, consider before you commit, and mean it before
you offer. It’s WAY easier to do the right thing, and less damaging to everyone
involved. And remember.....Sincerity isn't a substitute for truth. Your smart enough to know the balance of truth and sincerity!
Insincerity is always weakness; sincerity even in error is strength.
Here is something that relates to what you are talking about.